Ultrafast fiber lasers
Now proudly part of HÜBNER Photonics: On October 31st 2021, HÜBNER Photonics, manufacturer of high performance lasers for advanced imaging, detection and analysis, proudly announces the expansion of its technology portfolio to include short pulse femtosecond fiber lasers, with the recent acquisition of VALO Innovations GmbH. Read more here: HÜBNER Photonics expands into ultrafast with fs fiber laser technology from VALO Innovations – HÜBNER Photonics – Lasers & THz systems (hubner-photonics.com)
Ultrafast fiber laser systems
VALO Innovations
VALO Innovations develops and manufactures unique ultrafast fiber laser systems with pulse durations well below 50 fs. This was made possible by an innovative new approach.
These femtosecond laser pulses combined with high average power enabling enormous peak powers values and can improve your application.
Our lasers are turn key, robust and easy to use. They are controlled by an “intelligent” electronics to ensure safe operation.
In general our lasers are ideally suited for multiphoton applications as for example multiphoton microscopy, neuroscience, optogenetics or many more applications. Due to our technology we are also able to realize very low noise seed lasers for different types of amplifiers.
Our large experience in the field of ultrafast fiber technology also enables us to develop customized solutions to perfectly fulfill your requirements.
On our website you can find all information on our unique products and some of their applications.
If you want to discuss the potential of our laser for your application or if you are interested in some customized solution, please contact us.

Upcoming events

Future – Faserbasierte Ultrakurzpuls-Laser
Entwicklung von Lasersystemen, die eine Skalierung der mittleren Leistung auf > 10 W und Pulsenergien von > 1 µJ bei einer Pulsdauer unterhalb von 50 fs ermöglichen.
Für die finanzielle Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung einer neuen innovativen Lasertechnologie danken wir der NBank.
VALO Innovations GmbH
Hollerithallee 17
30419 Hannover
+49 (0) 511 260 390 70